Praia - Santiago
Opdateret d. 20.3.2018 |
[21. februar 2018] See D44EE-Contest / Logsearch / Sounds
Number of DXCC entities with my D44EE call sign (2015+2018)
Number of QSOs with my D44EE call sign (2015+2018)
[30 January 2018]
2018 trip to Praia, Santiago, Cape Verde

Train, Flight and hotel are booked and the entire "logistic" has been done.
I have e-mailed Angelo D44BS and he will kindly let me use his shack and antennas for some day's operation and some radio amateur Smalltalk. Also I look forward to meet Zizi D44BW.
Like in 2015 I will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest.
For my WAS award I only need AK Alaska and unfortunately that State do not count in the ARRL DX Contest. Hope to get an AK-QSO anyway.
Listen for me on the bands!
2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Goto ARRL See Pictures Sounds Logsearch
[26. february 2015]
Now I am back home from a really nice trip to Praia.
Big thanks to D44BS Angelo and XYL D44BW Zizi for their great hospitality and pleasant interaction. It has really been a pleasure to visit them and use their Schak and antennas.
I was picked up at my hotel by Angelo and got a brief tour of the center of Praia. We ended the tour at their home where I was kindly received by Zizi.
After the presentation I was shown around in their house and we ended up in the radio room where there was a lovely place and access to a large roof terrace.
On the terrace, the 10 meter high mast located approximately 12 meters above the street. At the top was a Mosley 4 element TH-33 to the bands from 20-10 meters including WARC. In addition, one two element 40 meter yagi, which unfortunately did not work.
Over the street hung a dipole for the low band - I used it to 160-40 meters.

I made some QSO before the start of the ARRL Contest. When I called CQ quite quickly there were accumulated a massive pile-up to Europe and then it went fast with getting QSO's in the log.
My primary purpose of the trip was to participate in the ARRL International DX CW Contest and it was fine to experience good conditions with both the United States and Canada. You can read more about the test here on this page.
Once again, many thanks to the family Mendes for their great help and hospitality which made me a really nice trip.
Clublog are now fully up-to-date. LoTW and eQSL are also uploaded.

[26. januar 2015]
LICENSE RECEIVED TODAY. And the callsign is D44EE - nice for CW Contesting.
I have contact with Angelo D44BS in Praia. He is the owner of the D4A Contest-station and I am lucky to friendly be invited to use the antennas and the shack at the station. So I will bring with me my Elecraft K3, my Palm Radio Paddle and my Laptop computer. Also I will bring an endfeed LW antenna including a balun and try to be active on 80 and 160 meter bands.
Angelo reports that I can use a Mosley TA 33 WARC and a two element antenna for 40 meter. Also there is a dipole for 80 meter but it is not working very well. I arrive in Praia two days before contest so there is time to put up the LW antenna to see if it works better than the dipole.
Before the Contest I will be as active as possible on the bands from 160 to 10 meter, including the WARC bands, and I look forward to meet you ! In the ARRL DX Contest I will be focused on USA and Canada only !!

OZ1BII - OU2I - 5P2I - XP2I - ZF2EE - D44EE - 5Q2I -
Mail to me - Allthough maximum effort is used to bring correct data, all the informations on this web site are given without any guarantee of correctness. It is made for use in an as-is manner and I cannot be held responsible for the informations at all. I write about my experiences as a radio amateur and how I act as such one. Also I tell about my radios, Elecraft K3, Ten Tec Eagle 599AT, Yaesu FT450, Ten Tec Triton 540, Ten Tec Argonaut, Ten Tec Centurion and my antennas. Best 73 de OZ1BII - www.hand.dk