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Cayman Islands
Opdateret d. 8.2.2016     Goto CQWW CW     See Pictures     LOGSEARCH

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[6. December 2014]
For the first time I tried to record all audio from my contacts and most of it are OK. On this page you will find all the danish contacts that I've recorded - only missing two (sorry Leif and Jørgen ).
Some of my monitor signals where to loud so there are no good sound on it.

This one is with a fairly good rate.
This one is also with a good rate.
HD2A 15M 29-11-2014.mp3

HD2A 80M 29-11-2014.mp3

OU4X 15M 30-11-2014.mp3

OU4X 40M 29-11-2014.mp3

OU4X 80M 29-11-2014.mp3

OX3OA 40M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ0JX 12M 28-11-2014.mp3

OZ1IKY 40M 30-11-2014.mp3

OZ1IKY 80M 30-11-2014.mp3

OZ1JTE 10M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ1JTE 40M 30-11-2014.mp3

OZ2TF 12M 28-11-2014.mp3

OZ2U 15M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ2Y 20M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ3BEN 10M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ4FA 12M 28-11-2014.mp3

OZ4UN 17M 28-11-2014.mp3

OZ7RQ 15M 30-11-2014.mp3

OZ7RQ 40M 30-11-2014.mp3

OZ8ABE 10M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ8ABE 15M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ8ABE 40M 30-11-2014.mp3

OZ8AE 40M 01-12-2014.mp3

OZ8SW 15M 29-11-2014.mp3

OZ9DR 17M 1-12-2014.mp3


OZ1BII - OU2I - 5P2I - XP2I - ZF2EE  -   Mail til mig - Alle informationer på disse sider gives uden nogen form for garanti af rigtigheden og er kun beregnet til almindelig information. Jeg skriver om mine oplevelser som radioamatør, om mine stationer (Ten-Tec Argonaut 509 5W, Ten-Tec Century 21, Ten-Tec Triton 540, Yaesu FT-450, Ten-Tec Eagle 599) og antenner (LW, W3DZZ dipol og 3 element Hygain 10-15-20 samt diverse trådantenner) og byggeprojekter. Best 73 de OZ1BII  -  Videoredigering