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Cayman Islands
Opdateret d. 8.5.2016    

Donations are much appreciated

[12. August 2015]
Some info of my activity on Grand Cayman AUGUST 2015.
Goto Contest-info    See Pictures    LOGSEARCH   Sounds 2015   Information


[5. marts 2015]
Some statistics from my activity on Grand Cayman NOVEMBER 2014.
Goto CQWW CW    See Pictures    LOGSEARCH   Sounds 2014   Information


[26. januar 2015]
So I'm busy writing and I hope to be ready in one or two days. So they will be posted in this week.
Thank you for being patient!

[22. December 2014]QSL card ordered at LZ1JZ
Today I received my LoTW certificate for ZF2EE callsign so now all the QSO's from Grand Cayman is uploaded to ARRL.

Do remember that you can make a QSL-request via ClubLog.
Hardcopy QSL-cards has not yet arrived so be patient until after New Year.

Thank you very much to all those of you who made a donation !
It's wonderful to be a Radio Amateur   :o)

[6. December 2014]
For the first time I tried to record all audio from my contacts and most of it are OK. You may write to me if you want an audio of our contact. I will send it via e-mail.
On this page you will find all the danish contacts that I've recorded - only missing two.

QSL cards are ordered from LZ1JZ and will soon be delivered. I already have orders for many cards and I will send them as soon as possible - please be patient.
You can order cards via Clublog OQRS.

You may look at my statistics and see how the contacts are made. All in all I've contacted 100 Entities placed in all 6 Continents, 30 ITU-zones and 30 CQ zones. Also you can look at the Analyse of the Contest QSOs.

Stations worked on:
6 bands: ZF1A
5 bands: 9Y4/VE3EY - HC2AO/8 - K3LR - K3PH - K9CT - K9IMM - N0IJ - N0NI - N6RO - NN3W - NQ4I - PJ2T - VE3JM - W2FU - W3LPL - WE3C
4 bands: 9A1A - CG3AI - CN2AA - CR3A - DL2CC - DR4A - EA5KA - G5W - II2E - K0RF - K0ZR - K1AR - K1ZZ - K5TR - K5WA - K7SCX - K8GL - KA1O - KB1H - KN5O - LZ9W - N0AX - N1EU - N4RA - N7AI - N7XU - N8MZ - N9RV - NP2X - NR4M - OL4A - P33W - PJ4Q - RA3FH - TM6M - UA5B - VE3OI - VP2MDX - W0DLE - W2YC - W3KB - W4ML - W4RX - W6SX - W8MJ - WA1Z - WG3J - WK1Q - WQ5L - WX0B - YV8AD
3 bands: 104
2 bands: 261
1 bands: 1387

[4. December 2014]
2.548 QSOs are now uploadet to ClubLog where you can read how to get QSL from me.
I made my first QSO at the 27th of november with NØTG Randy and the last QSO on the 1st of Dezember with WA4AFE Royce.

[3. December 2014]
Now I'm back home in Denmark.

[28. november 2014]
The first series of QSOs are now uploadet to ClubLog.

[27. november 2014]
Now I've arrived via Zürich and Miami. 18 hours of flight.

Moved around on all furniture in the appartment so I could have a somewhat comfortable operating position. Connected the K3 with the antennas and the 110V power supply. Everything worked fine - nothing broken under transportation.
The vertical R6000 antenna had an acceptable SWR on all the upper bands. I brought a MTFT Balun for the LongWire. It is really nothing but a long wire ending up inside the Condo but with the balun and the build-in antennatuner in my K3, it is possible to get working. I look forward to hear what can be done with this wire just 2 meter above ground.

So I am ready and you may now find me on the bands - Listen for ZF2EE only CW.

[20. november 2014]

Weather looks OK.

Most of the hardware are ready. The To-Do-List are allmost done, things are comming together and are ready to be packed.
I'm arriving late wednesday the 26th and hope to be ready with my setup thursday around 18.00z. Then I will be as active as possible on the WARC bands.

The rig will be my Elecraft K3 with a light weight, 350W Switch mode power supply for 115 VAC. Antennas will be a Cushcraft R6 for 20-10M and a 110Ft long wire for 40-160M. Also I bring an Antennatuner and a Magnetic Balun for the LW. For my UCXLog program I'm using a Lenovo X301 Laptop computer.

[8. oktober 2014]
The license has just arrived and was eagerly awaited.
My preparations started back in June 2014 when I investigated the possibilities to participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest from somewhere in NA. Last year I participated from Kangerlussuaq as XP2I but it was unfortunately not possible this year. Therefore, I have to look around for another place.

I examined the activity of the various destinations in NA as well as the possibilities of acquiring a license and after several contacts around, the choice fell finally on Cayman Islands.
There has'nt been much activity in the CQWW in Low Power category since 2000, and there has been only one Hi Power station participating in the test. So I decided that ZF is a goog place to be in the Contest. I do hope that the condx will be OK.

September the 9th I submitted an application for license. On September 27th I received an email where I was asked about my desires for a particular call sign. I replied and after a week I noticed that the charge had been withdrawn from my account. On October 8th, I received the broadcasting license in the mail. Of course I had asked to get the callsign ZF2I, but it was not possible so I had written ZF2EE as an alternative: o)

In the Cayman Islands, I found a Rental Shack in Christopher Columbus Condos located in Georgetown. It's owned by W3VCG - also ZF2AK - and he rents it out with a 10% discount for radio amateurs. There are vertical antenna for 20M to 6M and a LW for 160-80-40M. All other equipment must be brought, so the suitcase will be heavy: o)

More informations to come.


OZ1BII - OU2I - 5P2I - XP2I  -   Mail til mig - Alle informationer på disse sider gives uden nogen form for garanti af rigtigheden og er kun beregnet til almindelig information. Jeg skriver om mine oplevelser som radioamatør, om mine stationer (Ten-Tec Argonaut 509 5W, Ten-Tec Century 21, Ten-Tec Triton 540, Yaesu FT-450, Ten-Tec Eagle 599) og antenner (LW, W3DZZ dipol og 3 element Hygain 10-15-20 samt diverse trådantenner) og byggeprojekter. Best 73 de OZ1BII  -  Videoredigering